Hello Stag Families!

I want to report that we had a great first day of school! The students are very happy to be back, as is our staff!

Thank you, to everyone who attended Back to School Night last night! Following is the slideshow of my presentation in case you need to view it at anytime.

Slideshow: St. Anselm Catholic School Back to School Night Slideshow

As a reminder, lunch forms for next week’s lunches are due on Friday, August 26 at 8am. Those must be turned in with payment- no exceptions.

There were lunch forms sent home last night as well. Please take some time to read the letter from Chartwell’s. It explains how to pay for lunches, which is done through the website listed with a credit card or with a check written out to the AOD School Lunch Program. If you are in need of another packet, which includes your student’s ID number, let us know.

Lunch Parents- we have several parents who have volunteered to help us with lunches! Thank you! If you are interested in helping with lunch (one day per week or multiple days), call the office and let us know. Lunch parents are paid in the form of a tuition credit. Lunch parents report to school around 10:45 AM and are finished around 1:00 PM.

If you would like to volunteer in the building, please sign up to take “Protecting God’s Children” Class and fill out a background check as well. The class will be offered here on September 8.

Background Check Form.pdf

To register for PGC: https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/reg_list2.cfm?theOrgID=15163&theme=0

Lastly, our students in grades 1-8 will have full days for the rest of the week (3pm dismissal). Preschool, Pre-K and Kindergarten will have half days for the rest of the week (11:30 am dismissal). Latchkey will run Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 3-6 pm. Students are in regular uniform the rest of the week.

Have a wonderful night, and see you in the morning!

Mrs. K